Mother’s Day is one of our industry’s busiest holidays. Florists all around the world are looking to innovate with their bouquets and in this blog we want to inspire you with new ways of combining our favorite selections of roses and carnations for this special date, enjoy!
First off, when designing bouquets, it’s important to play with the height of stems to highlight the flowers, as seen in these images. This way, you can appreciate the head size of roses and differentiate textures in carnations.
In this bouquet, you can appreciate how our Deep Purple and Vendela roses contrast beautifully. When talking about pure white roses, choose our Vendela. Not only is it a classic, well-known rose, but it can also be used in multiple seasons, everyday bouquets, for it has a perfect enough color to contrast with any tone.
Nothing like our Damascus carnation
This on-trend carnation is quite special for its purple borderline. This particular characteristic makes Damascus a perfect carnation to give a bold statement to any composition and opens wide enough to reveal a high petal count. You can also blend it exquisitely with other lilac, pink, red, and burgundy shades.
In this composition, you can also acknowledge our Farida carnation. This lavender carnation gives you the possibility to give a pop of color to designs. It also has a fade effect on the outer petals that creates a cool optical illusion.
Let’s talk about our Deep Purple, another classic that is well known for its bicolor of lavender and hot pink edge. This rose is your best bet when giving florists a shade that is practical and yet stands out. Plus, our Deep Purple has a head size of over 6 cm & it is a rose that is ideal to reflex.
At Cactus Flowers, we focus on growing carnations that are helpful in everyday use for floral designers around the world. This is the reason why we are very proud of growing the Moonlight variety, a pure white carnation that is perfect to use in wedding season but also practical enough to use in gifting arrangements to give a romantic, soft ,and feminine look & feel.
People are embracing weird and unconventional mixing of colors”.
It could be the fact that astrology is leading our hopes and dreams, but there are so many zodiac, nameplate, and initial jewelry pieces overflowing the market. Stella & Haas makes a really beautiful Old English font nameplate necklace that helps illustrate. I personally also love this bubble initial from Ariel Gordon and this colorful initial pinky ring by Adinas Jewels.