Passion and Tradition
Since our foundation in 1987, we have grown and exported top quality roses and carnations for over 35 years.

Passion for the beauty and perfection of flowers gave start to our family business, which has thrived throughout the decades to become a worldwide recognized brand.
Our founders Elena Amézquita and Rodolfo La Rota, hands on, have led the company and shared their knowledge and philosophy with a 550 employee team that proudly meets the highest production and service standards.
We currently grow 22 hectares of roses: 20 hectares located at Toca, in the beautiful valley of Boyacá, and 2 hectares at Subachoque, in the western Savanna of Bogotá.
In carnations, we manage and export a total of 20 hectares, 7.5 directly grown by us at Toca, Boyacá, and 12.5 grown by Propagar Plantas both in Toca and Pasto, in the south of Colombia, location that enjoys particular and very favorable soil, weather, and luminosity conditions for growing them.
Committed to social and environmental responsibility, our carnation production has been Florverde® Sustainable Flowers certified since 2014.

"We aim for our customers to trust our products, our service, and our commitment to long lasting relationships."

With our sister breeding company, Propagar Plantas, Agrícola El Cactus has developed a unique carnation expertise that provides us with strengths of better understanding of growing conditions and techniques and first hand access to the newest and optimal performance varieties.
"As a carnation breeder and grower, I feel the unavoidable responsibility of telling people about the extraordinary stories and myths that the carnation has inspired in humanity for millennia."

Jorge Enrique Ramírez

Mónica Figueroa

Wilman Amézquita

Lorena Amaya
Contact us
Sales Representative:
Lorena Amaya